Tuesday, June 12, 2012


            Throughout the course of updating my media blog and studying the different makerting techniques of large industries, I have learned a lot more about media and the way it affects me. I am grateful for having this class and especially this unit because it clearly defines certain aspects of the marketing world and how I perceive it.  The media blog was a good way to keep track of things I had been learning throughout the course, and eventually helped me analyze media a lot better than I could have done before without any guidelines.
            The amount of media we consume influences our preferences and perception of ourselves and others. If something is “hot” and “in”, we will want to have it. If it’s not, we won’t want it. Being fully aware of media trends and our consumption allows for our desires to be kept in check. If we were to go around completely unaware of the media’s influence, we would be more susceptible o the subliminal intentions of media corporations.
            With our awareness, we can slowly build a resistance “shield” and become immune to the worst marketing techniques. My media consumption habits have changed throughout the course of the critical thinking semester. Although I was never completely unaware of media techniques, this class reassured me of my discontentment with media. Now, if a marketing technique pops up, I recognize and name it almost as second nature.
            I can recognize techniques, needs, and the tricky ways in which media disguised itself. Having media literacy is very important because we can learn to keep a level head and read into the real intent of corporations and media. Being an educated consumer goes hand in hand with being media-literate. If someone is an educated consumer, they will see past the smoke and mirrors that is the advertisement world; we will know better than others about the glittering generalities and different appeals of commercials, print ads, and other types of advertisement.
            This media blog facilitated my ways of expressing my progress and thoughts on media. It was like a constant list that kept getting bigger each time I learned a new way to analyze media. There are different angles to analyze media; in example with the techniques, needs addressed, thoughts expressed, and associations. I also got a chance to see how other people were analyzing the media of today’s world. My peers and I updated our blogs every week and we could comment and read their own thoughts. Sometimes I even learned something new from their pages. I like the fact that we can be better critical thinkers and more intellectual people who can make decisions based on judgment of the case and consequences. We can incorporate all of our new knowledge and blend it with our old intelligence and turn into an upgraded version of our critical thinking selves. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dating Site for Farmers

City folks just don't get it. When I first saw this commercial in a restaurant, I started laughing at the ridiculous claims. I didn't know if this was serious business, or a parody. I looked up "dating site for farmers" and I got the exact commercial I had seen days before. After actually researching this company, it turned out to be a legitimate dating site. This commercial has a clear target audience: lonely rural farmers. It plays with the emotions and relationship insecurity of these people. In a humorous way, the commercial shows farm animals discussing the relationship status of their respective owners: a woman and a man; later on, with the help of the trustworthy FarmersOnly.com site, these two people meet and eventually found love. At the end of the ad, the slogan reads "City folks just don't get it!" The ad uses techniques such as plain folk with the farmers, gestalt with the talking animals and music, and simple solutions giving the idea that loneliness can be eradicated with the simple use of FarmersOnly.com. The song states "You don't have to be lonely with FarmersOnly.com"
The need addressed in this ad is need for affiliation; If someone feels alone, they can easily find a partner in the dating site. This site is specialized for farmers and ranchers, but to be honest, I don't know how successful it will be. It already seems like a joke, so it looses any sort of prestige it was aiming for. I don't take the commercial or company seriously, but whatever floats their tractors.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Who doesn't love Starbucks? Come on, if we were given two cups of coffee, one generic and one from Starbucks, we all know which one we'd choose. There's just something so appealing about Starbucks that has made it a household name with a devoted fan-base.  Whether it's personal taste, social influences, or ideas of tradition, Starbucks has succeeded in making people happy. Therefore, an ad like this is accepted. Starbucks knows it's popular, desired, and essential to society; a print ad like this is so "in our face" about the known prestige of the company. The ad is almost aggressive; it gives us an ultimatum: Starbucks or nothing. Starbucks tastes good, so the ad lets us know that if we were to not choose Starbucks, we would be left with a bad aftertaste, something that would not happen with Starbucks. At the bottom of the ad, it reads "It's not just coffe. It's Starbucks". This ad appeals to our need for affiliation; everyone drinks Starbucks, Starbucks is a cool brand, we should all drink Starbucks, obviously. To a certain extent, the advertisement uses Snob Appeal because it tells us that Starbucks isn't just any coffee, and that not any coffee will be as good as Starbucks, even if you have to dish out a little bit more cash. The ad is simple visibly, and it succeeds in reminding us that Starbucks is still out there and will always be out there for our daily cup of coffee, as if we didn't already know.

Miles, not inches

This Under Armour print ad is clean and straightforward. The Logo is in the top right corner, bright red and white, and the slogan for this specific ad is straight in the center of the image. The picture itself is interesting and well-chosen. The slogan reads, "Judging yourself in miles. Not inches". The target audience for this ad are teenage to adult women; basically the age group of women that have historically worried about their appearance the most. No matter what anyone says, we know that every woman wants to feel beautiful. Due to societal pressure and media, the image of beauty is distorted. Models that are skin and bones are on the runways and magazines exemplifying 'beauty', but then we are told that everyone is beautiful. Well, what's the truth? "What's beauty?" we ask ourselves. This ad aims to answer the question, or at least put it's two-cents in. The ad provides self empowerment to a certain point, it wants to tell us that being beautiful shouldn't be defined solely on physical appearance, but also on physical attributes; it wants us to forget about what we're supposed to look like, and focus on what we can do with the body that we are given. I personally like the ad and the message it portrays. The picture shows two young women running; their endurance is evident, and it can serve to inspire the audience of this print ad. Under Armour isn't a self-empowerment company, it's an athletic gear company. However, the advertisement adds a human side to the company, and it helps associate certain values and beliefs with the company. After seeing this ad, the audience might be left with the idea that Under Armour not only cares about its products, but also about their customers' self-esteem and self-worth. It addresses the need for guidance because the message is comforting.

Get the London Look

This print ad by the cosmetic company, Rimmel, was released at least two years ago. I remember looking at it for the first time and thinking "awkward" and "ouch". For some reason, I think this ad really failed. The title is eye catching to a certain level, but what is more visible is the model's face, specifically her pink eyes. I understand the "pink" theme with the "time flash", pink cheeks, lips, necklace, and pink mascara, but pink eyeshadow? Her eyes look irritated and unappealing. The shot, of just her face, is awkward, but if we ignore the model, the background is appealing; the shot of Big Ben is well-taken, and the huge mascara gives the idea that the mascara will indeed give you huge eyelashes. The ad uses words like "new" "more volume" and phrases like "skinny to fat in 10 seconds flat". The techniques are avante garde because consumers think this is a hot new product, facts and figures because of the "10 seconds" and "14X more volume", and  magic ingredients with "collagen & keratin". Who really knows what collagen and keratin are? And how do you measure an eyelash that is 14 times more voluminous as opposed to one that is 10 times, or 2 times more? There is all around vagueness in the ad, and it addresses the need for attention. We assume that by using this cool new pink mascara, we will catch everyone's attention with our not fake eyelashes; every woman's dream is perfect eyelashes, and this mascara claims to give us just what we need, irritated eyes and all. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thanks Orajel

Nobody likes cold sores; in fact we all hate them. This printed ad, published in Seventeen Magazine, targets teenage girls who probably obsess over small imperfections. Any chance to get rid of these imperfections is golden to us; if a small product can save our day, presentation, date, or whatever it is, it practically saves our lives. In this ad, the background is grey and the product name and packaging is a blue that stands out. The marketing company for Orajel used simple solutions and transfer/association. The audience is expected to make the assumption that by using Orajel, and no other product, for their cold sore, their lives can be changed drastically. If a cold sore is the only obstacle they must overcome, then Orajel would be the product to thank because they claim to be able to fix it. Cold sore medication is never anything "hip", new or memorable, but perhaps the next time we get a cold sore, we'll choose Orajel because it could potentially save our presentation.

Outsmarting Mother Nature

Tampons. Taboo. Everyone seems uncomfortable when it comes to this topic. Come on people, it's just human nature. After years of going for the discrete and silent approach when it came to sanitary products, companies have recently changed their methods. Companies are more straight-forward about their product, and they're even adding witty catchphrases and creative product packaging. One of the most eye catching tampon/pad product has been the U by Kotex line. In this advertising, one of the bigger companies, Tampax, not only makes a statement, but also to take a jab at the Kotex brand by including the line about "98 Rainbow colors". This ad is very eye-catching because it has a model doing some sort of roller skating stunt and people who stop and look at her. The girl is completely happy in this ad, that it is almost overwhelming; she somehow conveys confidence and bliss despite the fact that she is obviously on her period. Tampax wants to regain their young audience who was probably lost to the trendy U by Kotex line by showing a youthful and fun girl who claims to rely on Tampax Pearl on moments like "this". The ad uses facts and figures but it does so vaguely. "30% Better" doesn't really mean anything substantial, but it grabs the audience's attention. It uses simple solutions because it simplifies any issue that women may have with their period; the audience can also make the assumption that if a girl can do stunts with Tampax Pearl, then they can go on with their normal days just as easily, or easier. This ad is effective because it grabs readers' attention and the product is unmistakable.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


How ironic that a makeup company that prides itself on dramatic and over-the-top makeup looks decided to make an ad like this. Unlike the ridiculous pink, blue, green, red, and glitter eye-shadow looks with pounds of foundation and blush that consumers tend to associate with MAC, this ad depicts a woman with no makeup-on, and it seems like there is no photoshop used on her face either. Yes the product they're selling is makeup cleanser, but knowing MAC, they could have photoshopped the model's face to look flawless like they do with their other makeup looks. When i first saw this ad I was thrown off and surprised. I didn't expect an advertisement that was so "to the point" as this one. The background black/brown color doesn't distract the audience from the product, the woman's tan skin coordinates with the color scheme, her lack of hair doesn't add diversion from the product, and the actual bottles are what stand out. The blue and bright white colors pop out of the background so that there is no questioning what brand this product is from. This ad uses the technique of plain folk and weasel words. The woman is by no means glamorous or extravagant as we tend to imagine MAC models to be. This opens up the product to many women; the target audience are busy moms who don't have necessarily youthful skin and need a reliable cleansing product. The weasel word in this ad is 'simplicity'. What is simplicity and how does that apply to this product? It's hard to know what the marketing team's real point is when it comes to addressing simplicity. It also seems that the company is relying on their prestigious name. I mean, what woman doesn't know of MAC and their amazing quality? This ad is sure to attract women looking for simple solutions to their face-wash routine, even if it means paying more for the product.

Let's lose weight with Subway!

If your New Year's resolution was to lose weight, then Subway can help you do that. At least that's what the company claims. In this 30 second video, put out at the beginning of the year, we see different takes of people taking a bite of food and their seat breaking because of their weight. The point is obvious and clear, Subway is targeting overweight or weight-conscious people. It offers the technique of simple solutions. If a person switches to eating healthier, specifically Subway, then their body fat will decrease. The ad uses humor and gestalt because it is unlikely that a person will create such havoc by taking one more bite of food. Anyone with weight problems who watches this commercial will most likely relate to the embarrassment of their "fat problems". The product of this ad, the Subway Club, appeals to the needs of people. The need to achieve is used here because this commercial will resonate with people who have set a goal to lose weight and be healthier for the new year. With this solution, people will be influenced to try a Subway diet and be on their way to achieve their weight-loss goal. The music is also successful at progressing the images of people; these clips however are examples of the Post Hoc fallacy. It is not necessarily because of the extra bite of  fast food that these people are taking that their chairs are breaking, but that's what the commercial portrays. This commercial is short and might not be memorable to most people unless they recall "that one video where the fat people fall off their chairs", which is how I remembered the video.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ladies should be hair-free...

Oh beauty. There are saying such as "the price of beauty" or "beauty hurts", but by the looks of this Sally Hansen product, "kissably smooth skin has never been faster, easier; more convenient." This product advertises hair removal creme in portable, ready-to-use pods. With all of the different ways to remove unwanted hair, companies need to step their game up. It's not easy to convince women that cremes are superior to waxing, yet companies are still trying to develop more hair removal lotions. This ad displays the lip area of a woman reflected in the mirror, next to that we can see the new revolutionary pods.
The idea is simple: work with society's search for beauty and perfection to be able to sell this product. What woman wants to be hairy and stand out from the rest of the well-groomed ladies? No woman wants to go through the embarrassment of being "less attractive" or in any form, masculine. Although this is really a first world problem that few people notice, companies know how to key in on the insecurities and needs of consumers. They have a print ad with seemingly perfect and hairless skin, plump lips, manicured nails, and a calming background. Sure enough, women who find it hard to fit in hair removal on their schedule will be lured in by the "revolutionary delivery system".
This marketing company used the Avante-Garde and Magic Ingredient techniques. By showing the word "New" in deep blue, they make a point at letting the consumers know that this product is nothing like other products in stores. If women want to be ahead of the hair removal curve, they will be tempted to buy this cool new product and tell all their friends about it. They also seem to have a new formula that could practically work like magic. They call it "revolutionary" and use "-er" words such as faster and easier.
From personal experience with hair removal cremes, I know that this product will not be much different; hair cremes are also not the most effective if a woman is looking for good and lasting hair removal. However, that does not mean that this product is not worth a shot. The advertising techniques don't distract the reader from what is actually being sold, and the message is straightforward. Yes the ad plays in on the yearn for women to be picture-perfect and hairless, but it is a valid position since women of today's world are always on the move and need more options to obtain their desired look.
The ad is by no means fun, in fact it is bland and somewhat boring, but the name Sally Hansen does most of the work. If women like Sally Hansen products, they will like the new insta-smooth pod creme hair remover for face.

We can all find love too!

If they can find love, then I can find love. Right? That's what we're expected to believe at least. Remember back when romance consisted of two people who met by total work of faith and fortune and over time fell in love on their own terms? Well, I kind of don't. Yes we have all heard the love stories that make us tear up and want to cuddle on a rainy afternoon. The thing is, however, that it's rare to witness love like this in person. After generations of heartbreak, disappointment, and changes in society, love has been reduced to cheap emotions. When before people had a hard time defining 'love', they now have resources to define and find it. How amazing that a simple computer screen could unlock a life-long romantic connection, right? This Match.com commercial plays with the emotions and insecurities of the audience.
The target audience for this commercial are women; in specific, lonely and loveless women who dream of a sweet and romantic guy .This ad in particular uses transfer/association, and plain folks. They make the association that by giving Match.com a try, they will find a sensitive man who likes to play the ukulele and sing his girl some songs. The marketing company did a good job of basing the commercial in a train station, with normal-looking people: plain folk. This woman can be anybody and this dream man could be any simple guy on the street. Single women in their late twenties, like the girl in the commercial, can relate to her situation and will feel understood and not as scared to give this dating site a try. Also, the whole idea of the ad is "cute". Who wouldn't want to be serenaded? I would. Everyone knows that the age-old way of winning the girl is by singing a sweet song to her.
Overall, the commercial would be classified as "adorable". The Match.com company put together a minute long clip of a guy singing a song to a lady of interest, and at the end added the company logo. However, it is pretty unrealistic. They advertise an online-dating/match finding program, yet show a sporadic occurrence in a train station. The clip states "We make these moments happen every day", so they might want to convey they idea that moments like this can be bottled up and deposited as easily as signing up for Match.com. Pop culture oftentimes ridicules the whole online-dating lifestyle, but whether we're aware or not, we remember sites like this. We might or might not remember this specific clip, but we won't forget the company.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This compilation of different Old Spice commercials featuring Terry Crews have been seen by many; Old Spice has always been a preference amongst men. The whole point of this ad is to make the American audience go out and buy Old Spice because of its Power. The word 'power' was beyond over-used in these ads. By using a toned and shirtless renowned character, the Old Spice products gain more credibility. Any scrawny boy or man who doesn't feel like he's attractive, appealing, or even powerful, can soon find empowerment in the little cylinder containers of Old Spice. The marketing team played in on people's insecurities, attention grabbing tactics, and the power of redundancy and repetition. The company uses a common man who claims to "actually feel more powerful" after being sprayed. There is no denying these commercials are humorous, but they can reach the point of being obnoxious. There's only so many times a person can listen to Terry Crews yell about strength, masculinity, and power.Aside from that, most people would recognized that a spray cannot instantly make a man feel powerful and like a god, but it does leave a mark. The ridiculousness of the entire commercial is the success of it; We don't believe me will all of a sudden become buff and powerful, but we are intrigued by this product.

France and UK L'oreal Commercials

These two videos are different versions of the same commercial. One was aired in France, and the other in the UK. The goal of both ads are the same thing: to wish a 'Happy New Year' in style. The question is, why would the L'oreal company go out of their way to make two different commercials for different countries? Aside from the language difference, which could have been an easy thing to change, the appeal of the commercials seems to differ. The first video, in French, shows different shots of the renowned faces of L'oreal spokeswomen such as Jennifer Lopez. Other than Lopez, however, all of the women in the video are light-skinned women of European heritage. If it weren't for the fact that Lopez was the "feature" of the video and one of the most recent spokeswomen of L'oreal, the whole ad would lack diversity. This minute and a half video exudes glamour, class, sophistication, and beauty. The shots of the glittery words, precise makeup, perfect silhouetted outfits, and clean background seem to be geared towards a certain type of women. Although I have never been to France, by the looks of this commercial, it seems as if the audience will be classy women looking for a way to look beautiful, and to some extent perfectly refined, with products that will be at arm's length. The L'oreal products are much more cheap than department store cosmetics such as MAC or Laura Mercier, but with this chic and clip, the products appear to be as tasteful as expensive ones. The point is, that the France clip seems to be trying to appeal to a more cultured demographic, and prove that L'oreal Cosmetics are quality products that can make a woman look intelligent, sexy, beautiful, mature, and glamorous.
The second video was aired in the United Kingdom. It gives off a completely different feeling from the France one. To begin with, the music is upbeat and goes well with the "Holiday" theme. The France clip played slow calming music, while the UK clip played a melody with winter bells. This video is colorful, fast-paced, upbeat, and electric. In fact, the slogan of the video is "Electric". It claims that this new year, 2012, will be electric and gets the point across with neon lights. Not only is this video literally shorter, but it's message seems more simple than the French video. The first video promised to live up to all the "glamorous" expectations of a new makeup year, while the UK commercial promised to bring a happy new electric year. The commercial seems to be geared towards a broader audience of diversity and varying tastes. The models are recognizable faces of the company, but they are not exclusive in terms of race. There are European, Asian, and models with racial ambiguity. Also, at the end, we see the slogan of the company "Because You're Worth It" in a lot of different languages. The overall feel of this commercial is much more open and general than the French commercial. This lets the women of the UK know that no matter which race they are, or what their background is, they can look beautiful and electric in the upcoming 2012 year with L'oreal's inexpensive products.
Both video clips are eye-catching and do a good job at getting their point across; that is, their own individual point. One is more uptight and aiming towards 'class and sophistication', while the other is trying to appeal to a fun and expressive audience. The reason for the different commercials might not be a straight answer. The cultures of the two countries might vary tremendously, the cosmetology taste of the women might not correlate with each other, or the L'oreal marketing company might have been having too much fun coming up with all these amazing commercial ideas. Either way, both videos stand out and might even win over more followers of the L'oreal movement.