Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dating Site for Farmers

City folks just don't get it. When I first saw this commercial in a restaurant, I started laughing at the ridiculous claims. I didn't know if this was serious business, or a parody. I looked up "dating site for farmers" and I got the exact commercial I had seen days before. After actually researching this company, it turned out to be a legitimate dating site. This commercial has a clear target audience: lonely rural farmers. It plays with the emotions and relationship insecurity of these people. In a humorous way, the commercial shows farm animals discussing the relationship status of their respective owners: a woman and a man; later on, with the help of the trustworthy FarmersOnly.com site, these two people meet and eventually found love. At the end of the ad, the slogan reads "City folks just don't get it!" The ad uses techniques such as plain folk with the farmers, gestalt with the talking animals and music, and simple solutions giving the idea that loneliness can be eradicated with the simple use of FarmersOnly.com. The song states "You don't have to be lonely with FarmersOnly.com"
The need addressed in this ad is need for affiliation; If someone feels alone, they can easily find a partner in the dating site. This site is specialized for farmers and ranchers, but to be honest, I don't know how successful it will be. It already seems like a joke, so it looses any sort of prestige it was aiming for. I don't take the commercial or company seriously, but whatever floats their tractors.

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