Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Outsmarting Mother Nature

Tampons. Taboo. Everyone seems uncomfortable when it comes to this topic. Come on people, it's just human nature. After years of going for the discrete and silent approach when it came to sanitary products, companies have recently changed their methods. Companies are more straight-forward about their product, and they're even adding witty catchphrases and creative product packaging. One of the most eye catching tampon/pad product has been the U by Kotex line. In this advertising, one of the bigger companies, Tampax, not only makes a statement, but also to take a jab at the Kotex brand by including the line about "98 Rainbow colors". This ad is very eye-catching because it has a model doing some sort of roller skating stunt and people who stop and look at her. The girl is completely happy in this ad, that it is almost overwhelming; she somehow conveys confidence and bliss despite the fact that she is obviously on her period. Tampax wants to regain their young audience who was probably lost to the trendy U by Kotex line by showing a youthful and fun girl who claims to rely on Tampax Pearl on moments like "this". The ad uses facts and figures but it does so vaguely. "30% Better" doesn't really mean anything substantial, but it grabs the audience's attention. It uses simple solutions because it simplifies any issue that women may have with their period; the audience can also make the assumption that if a girl can do stunts with Tampax Pearl, then they can go on with their normal days just as easily, or easier. This ad is effective because it grabs readers' attention and the product is unmistakable.

1 comment:

  1. My problem with most tampon ads are how they all include girls exercising and doing other random things. For me, I'm annoyed by the commercials of girls playing tennis and how wearing a certain tampon made it more comfortable for them to play. This ad is eye-catching like you said, because the girl is wearing roller skates and has a very excited smile on her face, a little too excited. But its fine, she's just doing her thing. Because with Tampax Pearl, while on your period, you can do the same thing when you aren't! The fact that it says "30% Better" shows facts and figures. I really want to know how significant that 30% actually is. While this ad is attention grabbing, I don't like it due to the overused theme of "you can do anything, be comfortable, even while wearing this tampon".
