Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This compilation of different Old Spice commercials featuring Terry Crews have been seen by many; Old Spice has always been a preference amongst men. The whole point of this ad is to make the American audience go out and buy Old Spice because of its Power. The word 'power' was beyond over-used in these ads. By using a toned and shirtless renowned character, the Old Spice products gain more credibility. Any scrawny boy or man who doesn't feel like he's attractive, appealing, or even powerful, can soon find empowerment in the little cylinder containers of Old Spice. The marketing team played in on people's insecurities, attention grabbing tactics, and the power of redundancy and repetition. The company uses a common man who claims to "actually feel more powerful" after being sprayed. There is no denying these commercials are humorous, but they can reach the point of being obnoxious. There's only so many times a person can listen to Terry Crews yell about strength, masculinity, and power.Aside from that, most people would recognized that a spray cannot instantly make a man feel powerful and like a god, but it does leave a mark. The ridiculousness of the entire commercial is the success of it; We don't believe me will all of a sudden become buff and powerful, but we are intrigued by this product.


  1. I had to comment on this because I love Terry Crews! Whenever I see him in anything, he always has the role of a funny muscular man, just like in this commercial. In this commercial Old Spice used the transfer/association technique to promote their deodorent. They used a popular celebrity who everyone loves to advertise their product. They also used the humor appeal technique. Terry Crews pops into other commercials out of nowhere screaming his head off about the product. If I were a guy I would by Old Spice deodorent just because I find their commercial clever because I never saw a commercial that interrupts another commercial before.

  2. I completely agree with you Yetzi. Again, they are showing masculine qualities, which are directed to male consumers. So they too, could be as masculine as Terry Crews. Nice job Yetzi!
